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Sell to grow: turning business divestment into a strategic choice

22 October 2024

Selling a Small or Medium Enterprise (SME) in Italy is often perceived as a difficult choice, almost like a step backward for the entrepreneur. However, divesting a business can be a strategic decision to accelerate growth, ensure a sustainable future, and create new development opportunities.

The culture of ownership in italian SMEs and resistance to selling

Many italian entrepreneurs are attached to a romantic vision of their business, seeing it not just as an economic venture, but as a lifelong project. This attachment can create fears and resistance towards the idea of selling: concerns about losing control, letting go of a dream, or not finding a buyer who respects the company’s values and mission.

Approaching this change with a different mindset is essential: selling does not necessarily mean saying goodbye, but rather evolving. The strategic reasons for divesting a business are numerous and may include expanding the company, investing in new sectors, or securing a more stable future. Instead of viewing the sale as an end, it can be helpful to see it as a starting point for new opportunities.

Accelerating business growth through a sale

Selling a company can provide a significant boost to growth. The entry of a new investor or strategic partner brings financial resources and operational expertise that can accelerate development, enable the launch of new products, or open up new markets. This external contribution offers the company the opportunity for rapid and lasting transformation.

Ensuring a sustainable future through the sale of the business

When an SME becomes part of a larger group or is acquired by an experienced entrepreneur, it can benefit from greater stability and new resources to face the challenges of a constantly evolving market. For companies operating in fast-changing sectors, adaptability and innovation are crucial for long-term success.

Supporting a smooth transition during the sale process

Many entrepreneurs fear losing control during the sale. However, a buyer with a strategic vision can ensure a smooth transition, keeping the founder involved in management and ensuring that the original vision of the company continues to thrive. A good partner can balance the needs for continuity and growth, ensuring the success of the transaction.

Changing perspectives to seize new opportunities

The path to selling can be complex, but with the right mindset and an open approach, entrepreneurs can overcome their fears and make the most of the opportunities. The first step is to recognize that selling a business is not a sign of weakness, but a strategic choice that can ensure a new phase of growth, not only for the business itself but also for the entrepreneur.

Opening a transparent dialogue, assessing the true potential of a sale, and preparing the company for the market can turn fears into opportunities. Seizing the chance to evolve the business, strengthen it, and enable it to compete more effectively is a process that, if well managed, brings tangible and lasting benefits.


Selling your business may seem like a difficult step, but with a strategic vision and the right mindset, it often proves to be a winning choice. It is an opportunity to turn what might seem like an ending into a new beginning, allowing the company to grow, evolve, and thrive under new leadership and with additional resources.

For entrepreneurs, real change begins when they let go of prejudice and view divestment as an opportunity for renewal, rather than a loss. A well-planned and supported process can make the sale a springboard to new possibilities, ensuring that the original vision finds continuity and that the business faces the future with renewed strength and ambition.

Having the courage to explore new paths is an integral part of being an entrepreneur. Selling the business can be the key to opening doors that would otherwise remain closed, allowing a fresh outlook on the future and capturing all the opportunities the market has to offer.

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